I am a global health-tech innovator. The main theme that runs through my work is bringing new health technologies to market to improve patient care.

I currently work at Illumina, the leading genomics company in the world, as the Director of Portfolio Strategy. I focus on bringing genomics into the clinic, across oncology, genetic disease, pathogen surveillance, and reproductive health.

Before this, I was the vice president of product management at Fabric Genomics, an early-stage startup for clinical genomic analysis. My other experience includes working at CellMax Life as the director of product and at Roche Diagnostics as a scientist. I was a 2010 Stanford-India Biodesign Fellow, where I worked on developing new medical devices for better maternal and neonatal health. I have also worked in South Africa on prevention of HIV/AIDS from mothers to new-born children.

I continue to be involved in global health innovation through my role as the Director for Global Programs at the Byers Center for Biodesign at Stanford University. I am part of the faculty team responsible for programs such as East Africa Biodesign, Global Faculty-in-Training, Singapore Biodesign, and Japan Biodesign.

I have a bachelors from Princeton University, a masters from University of Pennsylvania and an MBA from UC Berkeley. In 2021, I was selected as a WomenLift Health leader. In 2023, I was nominated as a Rising Star by Global Health Impact Awards.

My work experience, while focused on improving healthcare, has spanned non-profits, the government, a Fortune 500 corporation, academia, and now includes several early-stage startups. These have all been remarkable learning experiences that have fed my obsession with healthcare innovation, especially for improving access to new healthcare technologies. Engaging with healthcare innovation from diverse perspectives is useful when working with a multi-sectoral problem like healthcare.

Reading and writing are some of greatest pleasures of my life. I have written and published two books and continue to write in other forms as well. I write to make sense of the world, and for the sheer pleasure of creating and connecting new ideas.

To close, here is a bit more about three places I have lived and worked in.